On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 15:03, dbrett wrote:
> I use png as well, I have not been able to find a way to get it accept
> text instead of numbers.
> I have a perl script which is going to generate the graphs from the data.
> The data will look something like
> test1 99.8
> test2 98.9
> test3 99.79
> test4 99.91
> test5 98.95

What is it that you cannot do?  You might have to build the plot file
with a few specific commands.

from the /usr/doc/gnuplot-3.7.1/gnuplot.html on my old 6.0 with lots of
upgrades server.


Arbitrary labels can be placed on the plot using the set label command.


set label {<tag>} {"<label_text>"} {at <position>}
                {<justification>} {{no}rotate} {font "<name><,size>"}
      set nolabel {<tag>}
      show label

The <position> is specified by either x,y or x,y,z, and may be preceded
by first, second, graph, or screen to select the coordinate system. See
coordinates for details.

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