Hong Tian wrote:

I want to install Red Hat 7.3 with RAID 5 (not RAID 0/1) on a Dell PowerEdge
2550 machine. Does anyone knows how to do it or where can I find good
documentation about it?


Assuming you mean software raid, it's easy! :) (... i remember the old days of raidtools) (actually hardware raid is easy too, but has little to do with linux beyond having a redhat supported raid adapter)

The basic idea is just to make "raid" partitions on each drive. Then combine the like partitions into raid devices.

I'll give an example as if you have three disks; sda, sdb, and sdc.

Determine your partition layout. Maybe you want just swap, root, and boot partitions. Without raid, you'd make 1 linux swap partition (type 82 in fdisk), and two linux partitions (type 83) on /dev/sda

/dev/sda1 82 swap
/dev/sda2 83 /boot
/dev/sda3 83 /

To do the raid, do the same thing except the linux partitions will be raid partitions (type fd in fdisk), and you'll have multiple disks with the same partition layout.

/dev/sda1 82 swap
/dev/sda2 fd /boot
/dev/sda3 fd /

/dev/sdb1 82 swap
/dev/sdb2 fd /boot
/dev/sdb3 fd /

(and so on)

Then when you get to the screen that asks you to assign mount points, there is a button that says "make raid device" - using that you can group the raid partitions together, making "md" devices. And you can assign mount points to those. So after you combine the raid devices, and assign mount points, your table will look something like:

/dev/sda1 82 swap
/dev/sdb1 82 swap
/dev/sdc1 82 swap
/dev/md0 RAID /boot
/dev/md1 RAID /

Hope it helps,

// ps
// now that i'm thinking, i bet if you just check the redhat.com site
// and look in the Support and Docs area... the manuals probably give
// a better explaination. ah well... luck either way.

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