Hi all

My BBS(phorum-3.3.2c) does not work with RedHat Linux8.0.
RedHat Linux7.3 or Solaris7 are fine.

I dit the following test. Is this correct?

Does anyone know about PHP textarea problem.
Is this PHP problem? RedHat problem?

Thank you in advance.


slime% cat ~/public_html/a.php

<form action="a.php" method="post">
<textarea name="body"><?echo $body?></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="GO">

slime% cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche)

slime% rpm -q php

slime% rpm -q httpd

slime% w3m http://slime/~yamasaki/a.php

      > [                    ] [GO]

(input "aaaa" and press "GO" buttom.)

      > [aaaa body=aaaa      ] [GO]

(Solaris return the following)

      > [aaaa                ] [GO]

--- Yasuo Yamasaki

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