On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 17:17, Andy Elacion, Jr. wrote:
> Goody day.
> I set-up a firewall in our office, it has has 2 NIC.  I remove the daemon
> that I do not need, basically, it's a plain linux installation.
> The network configuration is, eth0 is facing internet and eth1 is facing
> secured network.  My question is this:
> How do I forward web packe to our secured web server from Fwall using
> ipchains?

Take a look at shorewall:


No GUI required.  I run it on a small network here (less than 10 users)
on a Pentium 100 with 48MB RAM (Redhat 7.2) so we can all share a single
DSL connection.  Easy to setup (by editing text files in /etc/shorewall)
and works flawlessly.  Forwarding a particular port to another server is
a one line change.

However, that being said, you are about to commit a huge security snafu
(If I am understanding your setup).  Do not set up a web server inside
your network that is visible to the Internet.  Put the web server in a
DMZ.  If the web server gets hacked and it's on your internal network,
the intruder suddenly has an open route to every PC on your LAN.

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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