On Sun, Dec 22, 2002 at 12:13:01PM -0500 or thereabouts, Dave Eells wrote:
> Are there websites where I can go to download freeware for RH 8.0? 
> Ex:gnucash is the financial software that comes with 8.0 but it is not
> an acceptable software to me. Is there freeware financial software that
> would equal quicken? Thanks

There are lots of sites to download software.  Google is your friend :)

Try searches like "linux money management" and see what you can find.  There seem to 
be quite a few options.  Personally, I like gnuCash alright, though it takes some 
getting used to.

If you must have quicken, check out Crossover Office from CodeWeavers.  Reportedly, 
quicken now runs on linux:



Andrew Pasquale 

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