Sorry, I didn't give enough info in the previous message. Here is that I have...

A RedHat box the has 2 NICs, 1 on our internal network and 1 on our public network 
(from our ISP). The RedHat Box acts as a mail relay for 2 internal servers. It uses IP 
Tables for filtering. All the internal traffic is masquareded. Everything from the 
public network is blocked.

I was checking the mailq for dead messages and I saw a ton of bounced messages. 
Subject: Cheap p0rn... free passes...

I don't have too many options set in

myorigin =
mynetworks_style = class
#mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain
#relay_domains = $mydestination

I assume I need to do something about relay domains. Any ideas on the correct syntax 
to allow only my internal hosts to send mail?


nick marsh

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