> >On Monday 23 December 2002 16:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I have tried a couple times unsucessfully
> > to upgrade my bind => bind-8.2.3-0.6.x to the
> > 9.* version listed in the eratta.
> >
> > ie: RHSA-2002:133-13
> >
> > But for some reason once I do, I can not get it to run..
> > and both times I wound up uninstalling the bind 9.*
> > and reinstalling the buggy bind 8.*
> >
> > Is there something I'm missing in the upgrade
> > as the usual path to upgrade ie:
> > rpm -Fvh [filenames]
> >
> > "freshens" up the bind allright..
> > but then it won't run..

>On Monday 23 December 2002 09:48,  mklinke-at-axsi.com |redhat| scribed:

> Were there any error messages on the command line, in the syslog or
> from running named-checkconf or named-checkzone that'll help the folks
> here to understand what you're seeing?

I do apologize for such a poor description of the problem.. ie:
"> > but then it won't run.."

I am going from memory here.. but I believe when trying to restart named after the 
upgrade it was complaining something about the port the old bind(8.*) uses versus the 
port the newer version(9.*) uses..

does this sound familiar.. if not I will try the upgrade again.. so I can at least 
provide a better description of my error.

- thanks again -

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