It's 05 May 98  22:02:12,
We'll return to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and All's
discussion of Configuring RH5 for PPP and two ISPs...

 so> I just recently installed RH5 and used the netcfg tool to get
 so> connected to my personal ISP.  Things setup very easily and I have been
 so> using it without any problems.

 so> My question to the list is, can I have another setup/configuration
 so> alongside my current one to do PPP to my comany?  They'll have
 so> differnt gateways and DNS and so forth and in addition my company uses
 so> PAP authentication and a SecureID card.

 so> I guess there's really two parts to my above question:

 so> 1. How do I have a ppp setup/configuration to a 2nd ISP alongside
 so> the one I already have (and be able to easily choose between the
 so> two at any one time for my PPP connection).

 so> 2. How do I interactivly enter my SecureID passcode when I attempt
 so> to establish a PPP connection?
 so> I currently use 'ifup ppp0' & 'ifdown ppp0' to bring my current PPP
 so> connection up and down and would like to do something similar with the
 so> second ISP but maybe also put the current SecureID card number as an
 so> argument.

 so> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps a Red Hat guru might be able to give you the "proper" solution,
but as my current (RH 4.2) box was migrated from an older non RH
distribution, I kept a lot of my older configs, in particular, the
entire PPP configs.  As a result, I've been able to define several
different login scripts like:

The default is to use diald to call my regular Internet connection.

Then I have

atclogin -   script for logging into work.
apanalogin - used in an emergency to bypass my immediate uplink for
             Internet connectivity.

Each script calls a different chat script, and any fine tuning is done
with the ip-up/ip-down scripts and passing extra parameters on the
commandline (within the script).

My setup is based on the more "traditional" approach as described in the
HOWTOs.  The disadvantage is that I can't manage this from the X tools
provided by Red Hat, but the advantage I have is full control over how
my PPP connections work (and besides, X is a little slow on the old 386
:) ).

... rambling tirade grinding slowly t o  a   h  a  l   t !
|Fidonet:  Tony Langdon 3:632/367.2
| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own.

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