On 06-May-98 RHS Linux User wrote:
> I  have spent 3 days now trying to get ppp to work and now ask in some
> despair for help.
> I have been through the redhat ppp set up, ppp how to and several hundred letters
> on dejanews to no avail and in this time seem to have encountered every known
> error (seial line looped, peer refused authentication, files required but not
> accessible, LCP t
> imeouts etc) and can only take my hat off to those who succeed first time.
> I have tried to summarise below what I thing is relevant in the hope that someone
> may have some ideas in how to progress.
> It is difficult to progress as I work alone and therefore have no colleagues to
> help me in pulling my hair out.
> I am trying to connect to a dial in service (not on the web) which uses chap
> authentication such that I can have a program on my web server call this as
> required to ask some questions and then return the answers via a web page.
> After failing I tried some more basic work by connecting to a local ISP where I
> normally login via windows ok.
> Both services connect fine through windows using modem and cable I am using. (If I
> knew how to both write and ommunicate with a windows program then I would even do
> this, but unfortuately(?fortunately) I don't.)
> I have a web server with its own DNS connected to the web via direct link.
> I split my tests in two the first is the one I really want then the second to try
> my ISP as the easier option to help me learn and also breakdown my problems. I had
> some success here. 
> Files used
> in /etc/sysconfid/network-scripts
>       chat-ppp0
>       ifcfg-ppp0
>       ifup-ppp
> in /etc/ppp
>       chap-secrets
>       ppp-secrets
> 1. I set up a simple chat script of 4 lines to connect which dials up and connects
> OK then I get :-
>       13:50:33 bull chat[3782]: User Access Verification^M 
>       13:50:33 bull chat[3782]: ^M 
>                       (gap of 32 seconds)
>       13:51:05 bull chat[3782]: Login:^M 
>       13:51:05 bull chat[3782]: % Login: timeout expired!^M 
>       13:51:17 bull chat[3782]: Login:
>       13:51:17 bull chat[3782]: alarm
>       13:51:17 bull chat[3782]: Failed
>       13:51:17 bull pppd[3771]: Connect script failed
>       13:51:17 bull pppd[3771]: Exit.
>        (disconnects after around 45 seconds)
>    If i add the login and password to chat script (just to see what happens)
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: User Access Verification^M 
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: ^M 
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: Login: -- got it 
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: send (mylogin^M) 
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: expect (ord:) 
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: mylogin^M 
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: Password: -- got it 
>       15:33:35 bull chat[1563]: send (mypass^M) 
>       15:33:35 bull pppd[1558]: Serial connection established.
>       15:33:36 bull pppd[1558]: Using interface ppp0
>       15:33:36 bull pppd[1558]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
>       15:34:14 bull pppd[1558]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
>       15:34:14 bull pppd[1558]: Connection terminated.
>       15:34:14 bull pppd[1558]: Exit.

1)  Is there another step after "Password:" ? do you need to pick an option from a
menu or anything?

2) or.. if your ISP supports auto-protocol detection, you should be able to end the
chat script right after it connects and allow PPP to start right away.  Most ISP's
support this, but it requires you to use PAP or CHAP.

>     The above failed to create /var/run/ppp-pp0.dev where 2a) succeeded.
>     I tried adding -d to the pppd line and a line in /etc/syslog.conf for pppd to
> /var/log/pppd but this did not produce any more info.

This also requires -kdebug  7.  See the pppd man page for detailed info.

>     chap-secrets contains
>       mylogin *       mypass
>     Do I need more info from the dial up connection?
>     Does he need info about me?
> 2. 
>   a. For the ISP (who claims to handle chap,pap and normal login) i tried.
>       ifup-ppp ifcfg-ppp0 with the chat script containing login and password.
>      This seems to connect and login OK, but when I unplug my ethernet connection
> I cannot ping. 
>      How can I make my ping, browser etc. use the dial up instead of eth0.

This is probably because you have a default route already setup on the ethernet. 
You must disable the default route over the ethernet before you start pppd if you
want the PPP link to be your new default route.  Also, unplugging the ethernet wire
while the interface is "up" will cause some processes to freeze up until the wire is
plugged back in.. it's not recommended.

>   b.  I tried then removing login and password from chat scripts and adding them
> to to pap-secrets and setting PAPNAME to mylogin.
>       ifup-ppp ifcfg-ppp0 now connected but didn't login
>               It failed to create /var/run/ppp-pp0.dev where 2a) succeeded.
>               chat[2627]: ^M 
>               chat[2627]:  
>               last message repeated 23 times
>               chat[2627]: ** Service Provider **  
>               chat[2627]: ^M 
>               chat[2627]: ^M 
>               chat[2627]: Login: 
>               chat[2627]: alarm
>               chat[2627]: Failed
>        (disconnects after around 45 seconds)
>       I suspect that this means it is not looking at pap-secrets. I tried using
> +pap before I realised that this was not the correct thing to do.
>       If i do not specify +pap how does the server know whether to use
> chap-secrets or pap-secrets (both exist) or is my server provider giving me bum
> info.

to use pap-secrets, add "user joe" to the options file.  I don't recall what switch
to use for CHAP.  It really is up to your ISP which one it prefers.
> 3. I also tried to use minicom to connect to my ISP then quit without resetting
> the modem to try the ping but the ping failed as above and the modem disconnected
> anyway after 45 seconds.
> Yours Despairingly - G. Brown

Try some of the above suggestions.  If you still have problems, e-mail me.


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