Hello All !

Some time ago I posted a "how to" question with the subject above, and
didn't get any help. After a long and painfull research I found out the
problem, and I would like to share this experience, so perhaps in the
future this can save some time to someone.

My final goal was to setup a PPP conection between a RedHat 5.0 Linux
server and a ISP using WindowsNT 4.0 (glub!) over a leased line.

The first step is carefully go thru all PPP setup procedure, as explained
in the PPP-HOWTO documentation.

As the ISP is running NT4.0, you must be sure to use MS-CHAP to allow Linux
to authenticate on the NT Server, so add to you pap-secrets file the login
information. (see example below). You may note there's no difference in
setting up the Linux server for a dial connection but the chat file.

The real problem is on the NT side. In order to configure a leased line
connection, you must configure a standard modem as "Dial-Up Networking
Serial Cable between 2 PCs". On NT 3.51 this used to be the "Null modem"
option. The problem is this kind of modem only allows a Microsoft encrypted
authentication, not compatible with any other system. In order to allow it
to authenticate using a Linux compatible mode, you have to modify the
modem.inf file on the NT server, as explained on articles Q122318 and
Q150808, both available from www.microsoft.com. After doing the "setup"
procedure described on those articles, the NT server will recognize a "$"
string as the ppp connect string, and will authenticate the Linux box. I
had a hard time convincing the ISP provider to make to modification on
their side, but after a dozen reboots on the NT server everything was
working fine...

Good Luck !

Ronald Sekkel
Sao Paulo - SP

[root@py2fus ppp]# cat rgm-on
/usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options.rgm connect \
'/usr/sbin/chat -v -t 45 -f /etc/ppp/chat.rgm' &         

[root@py2fus ppp]# cat options.rgm
user your-user-name at the ISP
mtu 552
mru 552
asyncmap 0

[root@py2fus ppp]# cat chat.rgm
"" $

[root@py2fus ppp]# cat chap-secrets            
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client      server    secret                  IP addresses
user-name       *               password

I'm note quite sure if pap-secrets it's really necessary, but it's equal to

[root@py2fus ppp]#                                                         

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