> SLP/Internet Section wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > 1)When I do rdev /boot/vmlinuz, I get :
> > Root device /dev/sdb1
> > 
> > But my partition is dev/hda2...and anyway I do have have any Scsi drive.
> > I really dont understand How come?

Here's my understanding (gurus, please critique if wrong!):

rdev /boot/vmlinuz <ret> returns the present rdev setting.  This can be
wrong sometimes without causing any harm.

But here is a case where it would definitely do harm.
Let's say you wanted to make a boot floppy, like this:

dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 bs=8192 <ret>

If the rdev value was wrong then this boot floppy wouldn't work.  So,
before making the boot floppy, do rdev /boot/vmlinuz /dev/hda2 <ret>,
assuming /boot/vmlinuz and /dev/hda2 are  the right values for you.  This
actually changes the rdev value.

Hugh Lawson
Greensboro, North Carolina

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