On 26-Jun-98 Internet Microtec wrote:
> Hi,
> Everytime I wanna insert I/O or Irq settings I m confronted to a dilemma:
> Linux users always tell me enter I/O in a format like " 0x300 ". But I
> always knew I/O in format such as " 3F8 "
> or "6000-600F".
> Could anyone make that clear for me.
> It s probably why, when I try configuring my ethernet card, all the I/O
> that I try to assign to it..even the right one ..are rejected (cause as
> I/O, I ve tried I/O like 3FF-3G0..and so on..).
> Thanks so much
> John C.

In Unix, the 0xFFFF notation is almost always used because that is the notation
used in C, and Unix == C.


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