On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Chris Mayes wrote:

> Hello.  Yes, it's me, again.  I have tried many, many ways of connecting with
> no luck.  None of the scripts I run even pick up the modem, nor do they report
> any errors.  pppd run with '-v chat <my script>' does exactly the same thing:
> nothing.  The only thing that can access my modem is minicom.  Heartened by
> this, I set minicom up with a script to automatically set up my PPP stuff.
> However, when I tried to use it, the display was appallingly slow, for some
> reason.  Instructions take nearly a minute to display.  The initialization
> string does not even show up until well after the handshake.  In any case, the
> script does not even initialize, possibly because of the massive delay.  When
> the login prompt finally creeps accross the screen, I perform the login
> manually.  When it gets to the ppp-start, the modem disconnects.  Any ideas?
> I'd still like to find out why none of the scripts access the modem correctly,
> or at all, and still do not report any problems.  Thanks in advance.

I experienced similar problems with a modem on a client's computer.  The
fix was the "proper" init string.  Of couse, this was about 10 AT-subcommands
long, so there was no real way to deturmine it on my own.  What did it was
the Win95 driver.  I downloaded that and brought the ini file up on an
editor.  part of the way down was the Init string.  I used that init
string, and it started working perfectly.  That same modem is running to
this day (it was about 6 months ago I set it up initially).

Hope this helps!

RidgeNET Tech Support

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