On 26-Jun-98 Peter Leopold wrote:
> Dear PPP/Network gurus,
> I have a P90 running a recently installed Red Hat 5.0 with  kernel
> 2.0.32 and all gateway
> options but no firewall options built in. pppd 2.2_0 runs very nicely as
> "pppd defaultroute /dev/modem" to my ISP.  My P90 sees my ISP's DNS,
> sends and receives mail, http, etc. No problem
> The problems is with the network behind the P90.
> No packets from my Solaris2.5 or Win95 machines get passed the P90.
> Win95 tracert  shows packets stopping at the P90.
> The P90 routing is "netstat -rn":
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination   Gateway    Genmask         Flags MSS Window irtt Iface
> UH  1500 0    0 ppp0
> U   1500 0    0 eth0
>       U   3584 0    0 lo
>       UG  1500 0    0 ppp0
> The P90 IP# is used as the gateway for the other machines. The
> netmask is
> also used on the other machines.  The Solaris 2.5 was given "route add
> default 1"
> to set its routing.
> The netcfg radiobutton is set for Network Packet IPv4 forwarding.
> I have invested about a week full time on this.  My "free" software is
> getting really expensive.  But it is not too late to back out and go
> with an older or newer Red Hat with this problem fixed, or even another
> Linux distribution.  Except that I feel like I've tried everything, I
> can't actually prove that it is a distribution problem. Any ideas?
> While many people have had routing problems, it seems that this problem
> is unrelated to any other reported on this mailing list.
> Peter Leopold

Just a few points:

1) The "Network Packet IPv4 forwarding" button doesn't take effect until bootup
   when the sysV initscripts cat a 1 into a file in /proc to enable IP
   forwarding in the kernel.

2) I assume you are still using a "stock" kernel and your ethernet adapter works

3) Does your ISP have a network route to your office?  Maybe the IP packets are
   going out and never coming back.  try tracerouting your ISP's DNS server and
   see if it is reaching the other side of the PPP link.

4) If you have no control over your ISP's routes, then you can enable
   masquerading on the Red Hat box and bypass the problem entirely.


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