> I've setup dial-in server (RH6.0/2.2.14/Digiboard PC/Xem /ppp-2.3.10).
> Everything works fine BUT I don't see who is logged in via pppX
> interfaces. But `last` shows everything just fine.
> On our old (bad) dial-in server with ppp 2.2 it was possible to see all
> users by command `who` and/or `w`.
> Now I'm able to see it.
> Is there any solution for this?
> Any (quick) help will be very appreciated.

Also, I mentioned that /var/log/wtmp grows REALLY fast for some reason.
93K in 15 minutes!



Kins Orekhov
Outlook Technologies, Inc.
Phone: 773-775-2099, ext. 226

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