Интересно было бы сравнить с реализацией векторов в Clojure, которая
опирается на работу того же Phil Bagwell. Статьи нормальной я не нашёл, но
есть подробный блог-пост:
(и исходники).


On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 4:18 PM Sergei Romanenko
sergei.romanenko_AT_supercompilers.ru <refal@botik.ru> wrote:

> Nicolas Stucki, Tiark Rompf, Vlad Ureche, and Phil Bagwell. 2015. RRB
> vector: a practical general purpose immutable sequence. In *Proceedings
> of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming*
> (ICFP 2015). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 342-354. DOI=
> http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2784731.2784739
> State-of-the-art immutable collections have wildly differing performance
> characteristics across their operations, often forcing programmers to
> choose different collection implementations for each task. Thus, changes to
> the program can invalidate the choice of collections, making code evolution
> costly. It would be desirable to have a collection that performs well for a
> broad range of operations. To this end, we present the RRB-Vector, an
> immutable sequence collection that offers good performance across a large
> number of sequential and parallel operations. The underlying innovations
> are: (1) the Relaxed-Radix-Balanced (RRB) tree structure, which allows
> efficient structural reorganization, and (2) an optimization that exploits
> spatio-temporal locality on the RRB data structure in order to offset the
> cost of traversing the tree. In our benchmarks, the RRB-Vector speedup for
> parallel operations is lower bounded by 7x when executing on 4 CPUs of 8
> cores each. The performance for discrete operations, such as appending on
> either end, or updating and removing elements, is consistently good and
> compares favorably to the most important immutable sequence collections in
> the literature and in use today. The memory footprint of RRB-Vector is on
> par with arrays and an order of magnitude less than competing collections.
> ----
> В порядке информации.
> СР
  • Nic... Sergei Romanenko sergei . romanenko_AT_supercompilers . ru
    • ... Anton Orlov orlovan_AT_gmail . com
      • ... Sergei Romanenko sergei . romanenko_AT_supercompilers . ru
        • ... Sergei Romanenko sergei . romanenko_AT_supercompilers . ru
          • ... Александр Коновалов a . v . konovalov87_AT_mail . ru
            • ... Sergei Romanenko sergei . romanenko_AT_supercompilers . ru
              • ... Александр Коновалов a . v . konovalov87_AT_mail . ru
            • ... Александр Коновалов a . v . konovalov87_AT_mail . ru
