+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bugzilla Bug ID | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New ASS=Assigned | | | OPN=Reopened VER=Verified (Skipped Closed/Resolved) | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical MAJ=Major | | | | MIN=Minor NOR=Normal ENH=Enhancement | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | Date Posted | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Description | | | | | | | | 2121|Ass|Nor|2001-06-11|'.' or '-' in bracket expression gives unexpected | | 2525|New|Nor|2001-07-09|Leading zero-length string splitted by RE | | 3273|New|Nor|2001-08-25|CharacterArrayCharacterIterator substring function| | 3303|New|Min|2001-08-28|Unicode 3.0 character \\uFFFD | | 3773|New|Nor|2001-09-21|Problem with parsing greedy match modifiers | | 4137|New|Nor|2001-10-12|regexp match gets different results on different p| | 5306|New|Nor|2001-12-06|different results for same pattern: missing '^' | | 9153|New|Nor|2002-05-16|RE.match() hangs when using {n,m} | |17221|New|Cri|2003-02-19|Internal error in RECompiler | |18515|New|Maj|2003-03-31|Line anchor does not work when match starts at ind| |20982|New|Nor|2003-06-21|Incorrect processing of word boundary marker. | |21706|New|Maj|2003-07-18|Escaping '.' character does not work in some condi| +-----+---+---+----------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Total 12 bugs | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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