From: regext <> On Behalf Of Gould, James
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 9:01 AM
To: Patrick Mevzek <>;
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [regext] FW: New Version Notification for 

It was 6 before and apparently we "need" to upgrade to 8 now.

I am quite sure than in 5 years we would want to increase 8 to 10 and so on, 
this is purely Moore's law.

So to ease future maintenance I am just saying: remove this arbitrary limit in 
the protocol, since it is a policy decision anyway.

Are there any other thoughts on inclusion of a minimum of 8 characters for the 
password in draft-gould-regext-login-security versus specifying no minimum and 
leaving the minimum up to server policy?  My preference is to meet the existing 
security guidelines by specifying the minimum of 8 characters and Patrick’s 
preference is to remove the minimum.  Any other thoughts on this is greatly 

[SAH] Jim, keep in mind that the security guidelines you mentioned are just 
that – *guidelines* published by a particular entity that may or may not be 
appropriate for use in different operating environments. I’d be inclined to 
loosen the Schema to conform to other possibilities and include an 
informational reference with text along the lines of “Servers SHOULD enforce 
minimum and maximum password length requirements that are appropriate for their 
operating environment. One example of a guideline for password length policies 
can be found in <blah blah> [reference here]”. A minimum length of 1 would 
ensure that the field can’t be blank, and the server can check if whatever is 
provided lines up with expectations for clients.


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