Dear WG,

The call for adoption for draft-hollenbeck-regext-rdap-openid ended 25 Januari 
The results were:
Support: 8
Object: 0

The chairs considder this draft adopted by the REGEXT WG.

Request to the authors:

Please submit a new version of the draft with the following name:

The chairs have already pre-approved this document so once submitted it will be 
automaticaly accepted as a WG document. 

Your co-chairs Jim and Antoin

- -- 
Antoin Verschuren

Tweevoren 6, 5672 SB Nuenen, NL
M: +31 6 37682392

> Op 18 jan. 2019, om 17:03 heeft Antoin Verschuren <> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> Hi all,
> As discussed on the mailinglist, we have selected 5 documents that people 
> most want to be added to our milestone list.
> To be able to to that the documents should first be adopted as working group 
> documents.
> This is a formal adoption request for draft-hollenbeck-regext-rdap-openid
> The draft is available here:
> Please review this draft to see if you think it is suitable for adoption by 
> REGEXT, and comment to the list, clearly stating your view.
> Please also indicate if you are willing to contribute text, review, be a 
> document shepherd, etc.
> This call for adoption ends 25 Januari 2019.
> If there are no objections, and we receive enough consensus for adoption, the 
> chairs will consider this document adopted.
> Thanks,
> Your REGEXT co-chairs Jim and Antoin.
> - -- 
> Antoin Verschuren
> Tweevoren 6, 5672 SB Nuenen, NL
> M: +31 6 37682392
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