Hi Ali,

thanks a lot for your interest.

Obviously, I'm willing to collaborate with anyone who plans to implement the reverse-search capability and I'm open to any idea that can contribute to make the proposal more comprehensive.

I'm also available to give my humble contribution to harmonize the reverse-search specification with the concepts described in the hrpc draft.

That being said, if I interpreted your idea correctly, you are proposing an operation model where the capability is open to everyone but the access to possible sensitive response data are reserved only to authenticated users, right?

If so, I have a couple of comments:

- The RDAP servers are already engaged in tailoring their responses on different user profiles due to GDPR. Sensitive data redaction is usually achieved through a combination of practices like not returning optional sensitive data, replacing the value of  mandatory sensitive data (like jCard "fn" for individuals), publishing only those sensitive data which the owner has previously given the explicit consent for. So which additional issues should your proposal address?

- In the case of a reverse-search, what must be allowed to authenticated users is not the access to the data returned by the capability but rather the capability itself.  Of course, the reverse search is not the only query capability that can be controlled. For example, at .it we don't permit everyone to submit a generic search query.  This can be done either through the well-known HTTP authentication methods as described in RFC7480 or by applying a federated authentication to RDAP as defined by Scott's rdap-openid extension.  To make an ad-hoc access control easy to implement, the reverse-search draft introduces the specific "/reverse" path and lets servers furtherly regulate the access on a per-entiy-role basis.

Definitively, maybe I'm missing something but do we really need anything other than what already exists?



Il 04/12/2020 01:47, Ali Hussain ha scritto:
Hi All,

It wa  interesting to see the interest during REGEXT IETF 109 meeting call to address the the privacy aspects of draft (draft-ietf-regext-rdap-reverse-search). So far my idea to improve the reverse search to first make the JSON object for the required level of privacy critical data. Based on the tag the partial response suppresses the privacy part of responses by encoding and in order to decode it, it must present an identity to federated access control. I am also reviewing the hrpc draft to bring some valuable input form their guidance. Please let me know what you think and is anyone else interested to work on this?
Ali Hussain

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