To all working group members,

As you know the following two documents have passed through working group last call and been submitted to the IESG for publication.

Unfortunately, after the submission it was discovered there was some miscommunication between the Chairs, authors, and shepherd. Specifically, the intention was to elevate these two documents from being Proposed Standards to being Internet Standards.

This is a significant step in the IETF. There are a few extra commitments from the working group that are important before we submit a document for a change in status. You’ll find this discussed in more detail in the following RFC:

What this means to us as a working group is the following.

1. It must be apparent that the working group reviewed these documents with a standards status elevation in mind. While this is mentioned on the Wiki page for the document (, this working group does not ordinarily use the Wiki so it’s not clear how many working group members would have noticed this.

It’s also true that this elevation in status has been mentioned on the mailing list: (rfc7482bis - September 2019) (rfc7483bis - January 2020)

Those were singular messages from some time ago with no discussion on the mailing list so, again, it’s not clear how many working group members would have noticed this.

2. The working group last call for both documents did not call out the elevation in standards status. This is important since we have to make sure the working group members are fully aware of what they are approving.

3. The shepherd write-up for each document has additional requirements that are intended to call out to the IESG and more broadly the IETF that the documents are being elevated.

In summary, as these are the first documents this working group is seeking to advance in standards status, we missed a few administrative details. We just need to correct this and then these documents can proceed.

The chairs are going to take the following actions.

1. We are going to pull the documents back from the IESG to the working group.

2. We will re-issue a last call for each document asking explicitly about the elevation in standards status. We will require that many working group members approve this. We will be looking for “+1” from as many working group members as possible. Please do take the time to respond.

3. We will ask the document shepherds to revise their write-ups in preparation for a successful working group last call.

4. Finally, we will advance the documents again to the IESG.

We are sorry for the confusion. Please note, the last call will be an extended one because of the holiday season. Please watch for the announcement in the next day or so.

Thanks to all!

Antoin and Jim

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