Hi Antoin,

I support the document's submission.


-----Original Message-----
From: regext <regext-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Antoin Verschuren
Sent: Tuesday, 30 March 2021 12:21 AM
To: regext@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [regext] 2nd WG LAST CALL: 

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Just to be clear, since this is a 2nd WGLC, the new WGLC is for 

> Op 29 mrt. 2021, om 14:49 heeft Antoin Verschuren <i...@antoin.nl> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> The following working group document is believed to be ready for submission 
> to the IESG for publication as a standards track document:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-regext-epp-registry-maintenance/__;!!N14HnBHF!t-eFGRG4PtyrY0iwBcYlInHNEeDNnS14tqdnjz2zZ408D8SsBzRsY7-F80vVCGqfkqNYj8Q8$
> EXTRA ATTENTION: This is the second WGLC for this document. During the first 
> WGLC, there were still some substantial comments to be addressed, and there 
> was not enough positive feedback to declare consensus on this document. Let’s 
> do better this time and please take the time to review this document and 
> indicate your support (a simple “+1” is sufficient) or concerns with the 
> publication of this document by replying to this message on the list. Since 
> we have 3 authors, we need more reviewers to state support!
> This WG last call will end at close of business, Monday, 12 April 2021.
> The document shepherd for this document is James Galvin.
> Regards,
> Antoin and Jim
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