Cross-posting under the correct thread. Sorry for the churn.


From: regext <> on behalf of "Keathley, Daniel" 
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 3:33 PM
To: "" <>, "Gould, James" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [regext] New Version Notification for 

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links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Hi Andy,

This draft has been quite helpful for me. As you say, in several instances you 
simply parrot what is already present in existing RFCs; this illustrates just 
how well-hidden the references are in those documents. Pulling them into a 
focused, consolidated draft helps frame the bigger picture much more clearly. 
But the fact that there is so much reading between the lines as to justify a 
whole new draft is indicative to me of a deeper problem with how we’ve 
approached RDAP extensions. After stating that “RDAP extension identifiers have 
no explicit structure and are opaque in that no inner-meaning can be ‘seen’ in 
them,” the rest of the draft describes all the inner meanings we’ve created for 

  *   Section 4: This section discusses the convention of a namespace and 
recommends prepending the extension identifier to its members. What I don’t 
like about this is that “lunarNIC_beforeOneSmallStep” won’t show up in any 
documentation of the extension. I’d expect lunarNIC’s documentation to list a 
member called “beforeOneSmallStep,” and it is unintuitive for an RDAP response 
not to have a member that matches that exactly. Couldn’t the given example 
easily be refactored to use a “lunarNIC” member that contains a 
“beforeOneSmallStep” member? If so, it would match the extension specification 
exactly and eliminate a need for this convention.
  *   Section 6: This section creates a convention as an exception to the 
convention defined in section 4. After going through the trouble to encourage 
extensions to prepend a namespace to their members, we now have to add a reason 
why our own IETF extensions do not have to follow that convention. Having a 
common formal spec but then creating “rules for thee and not for me” isn’t a 
good precedent to set. But if we back off of the previous convention, this one 
can be eliminated too.
  *   Section 7: While the other conventions are rooted in existing RFCs, no 
such RFC for extension versioning exists. Extension versioning is still an open 
problem, one that draft-gould-regext-rdap-versioning-00 is trying to solve. I 
would rather not encourage a convention that hasn’t yet been agreed to in the 
  *   Section 5: Now here’s a convention I can get behind :-). I’m a fan of 
camel-case. Can you just clarify for me how it “visually separates the 
namespace from the name”? I thought the underscore was the one doing that. 
Also, I happen to be a camel-case purist and believe that “lunarNic” is the way 
to go.


On 6/26/23, 10:46 AM, "regext on behalf of Andrew Newton" 
< <> on behalf of <>> wrote:

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links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.


Many thanks for the review. Your clarifications are reasonable to me.

With regard to JSON names vs JSON members, the intent was to draw the

distinction to the name vs the entire name and value. Regardless, I'll

look into clarifying the concepts and some better explanatory text

both and synchronization with the current RFCS.



On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 9:32 AM Gould, James < 
<>> wrote:


> Andy,




> Thanks for creating the draft, below is my feedback:




> Section 2 “RDAP Extension Identifier”


> It would be better to refer to JSON members instead of JSON attribute names 
> to be more consistent with RFC 9083.

> I would make it clear that the extension identifier can prepend or match the 
> path segments and JSON members, such as the use of “redacted” extension 
> identifier in draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted that is used for the “redacted” 
> JSON member of the extension. Prepending does support matching, but I would 
> be more explicit.


> Section 3 “Usage in Queries”


> Same feedback from section 2, where the extension identifiers prepend or 
> match the path segments. In the case of multiple path segments, you can 
> separate the extension identifier from the path segment value with an 
> underbar (e.g., foobar_fizz and foobar_fazz) in the example you provide.


> Section 4 “Usage in JSON”


> It would be better to refer to JSON members instead of JSON names.

> Same feedback from section 2, where the extension identifiers prepend or 
> match the JSON members. The RDAP versioning extension 
> (draft-gould-regext-rdap-versioning) provides an example of matching the 
> extension identifier in the query response with “versioning” and use of the 
> extension identifier as a prefix for the help response (should be 
> “versioning_help” instead of “versioning-help”).


> Section 5 “Camel Casing”


> It would be better to refer to JSON members instead of JSON names.


> Section 7 “Extension Versioning“


> I would change the section title to “Versioning in Extension Identifiers”, 
> since extensions can certainly have versioning, but the extension identifiers 
> do not include any explicit versioning.

> I would change the references in the section of “RDAP extensions” to “RDAP 
> extension identifiers”. For example, “That is, the RDAP extension identifiers 
> are opaquely versioned”.




> Thanks,




> --




> JG








> James Gould


> Fellow Engineer


> <> 
> <applewebdata://13890C55-AAE8-4BF3-A6CE-B4BA42740803/ 
> <>>




> 703-948-3271


> 12061 Bluemont Way


> Reston, VA 20190




> <>
> <;>










> On 5/21/23, 10:36 PM, "regext on behalf of Andrew Newton" 
> < <> 
> < <>> on behalf 
> of <> < 
> <>>> wrote:






> Caution: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click 
> links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the 
> content is safe.






> Hi all,






> Jasdip and I have put together a draft for a new RDAP media type. This


> allows clients to signal their supported extensions. By using a media


> type, this signaling survives redirects and is backward compatible


> with the RDAP RFCs and the currently deployed RDAP ecosystem.






> We even have some demo code to show how it works:


> <>
> <>
> <;>






> -andy






> ---------- Forwarded message ---------


> From: < <> 
> < <>>>


> Date: Sun, May 21, 2023 at 10:26 PM


> Subject: New Version Notification for


> draft-newton-regext-rdap-x-media-type-00.txt


> To: Andy Newton < <> < 
> <>>>, Jasdip Singh < 
> <> < <>>>














> A new version of I-D, draft-newton-regext-rdap-x-media-type-00.txt


> has been successfully submitted by Andy Newton and posted to the


> IETF repository.






> Name: draft-newton-regext-rdap-x-media-type


> Revision: 00


> Title: An RDAP With Extensions Media Type


> Document date: 2023-05-21


> Group: Individual Submission


> Pages: 10


> URL:


> <>
> <>
> <;>


> Status:


> <>
> <>
> <;>


> Html:


> <>
> <>
> <;>


> Htmlized:


> <>
> <>
> <;>










> Abstract:


> This document defines a media type for RDAP that can be used to


> describe RDAP content with RDAP extensions. Additionally, this


> document describes the usage of this media type with RDAP.


















> The IETF Secretariat






> _______________________________________________


> regext mailing list


> <> < 
> <>>


> <>
> <>
> <;>






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