Hi Pawel,

Great questions, see inline.

I’ve seen a few other emails on different ID that had simar concept, we can 
integrate for sure.  Didn’t get a change to read/skim those.



From: kowa...@denic.de <kowa...@denic.de>
Sent: November 16, 2023 3:27 AM
To: Jacques Latour <jacques.lat...@cira.ca>; regext@ietf.org
Cc: Don Slaunwhite <don.slaunwh...@cira.ca>; t...@internetnz.net.nz
Subject: [EXT] Re: [regext] I-D draft-latour-pre-registration

Hi Jack,

Skimming through the document I have 3 questions / observations:

  1.  why you decided to break the flow into 2 commands with create and 
validate? What shall happen afterwards to the object(s) created in the first 
step? In this context the approach in draft-ietf-regext-validate to have 
temporary objects created implicitly with check:validate command, even if the 
process is asynchronous, seems more plausible to me.

I agree, I’m not an EPP expert and if we decide this is a good idea we can find 
the best way of doing this.  My thinking was when we give the data to the 
registry there’s a time gap for analysis, if the EPP answer 10 or 30 seconds 
later, is that too long? So after a maximum time period that a registrar can 
hold the registration process then they could issue a verify to get answer, I 
don’t know, maybe they can even cancel the credit card transaction like 10 
minutes after if the score is high… it can be asynchronous verify 10 minutes 

  1.  The draft tells a lot about ML/AI, while actually it can be any type of 
validation. It can be static, rule based or even manual if you wish. I would 
not narrow down the use-case just to ML/AI.

Yes, absolutely, for example, in Canada, verify the address is legit with 
Canada Post.  Also, rule based = if Santa Claus register a domain with address 
in South Pole, we all know it’s North Pole, so Score = 100 😉

  1.  Section 8 is for me too deep into policy setting/suggesting and not in 
the area of technical protocol. The protocol shall define whether the result is 
discrete value (with maybe IANA repository) or continuos score and the number 
format, but not going beyond that. Note that the same protocol could be also 
used for other purposes other than abuse, like eligibility check based on other 

This was for getting people to think of the process, specially that the score 
can tell the RAR to suspend/block the registration, and some instance the RGY 
can suspend/block after it’s submitted by the RAR. So multiple use cases, can 
be made more generic.

Kind regards,

Am 15.11.23 um 16:56 schrieb Jacques Latour:
Hi all,

At the ICANN78 meeting and other venues, there were quite a lot of discussion 
on AI/ML abuse detection related discussions and presentations.

1.       Example: 

But this is after the fact, after a registration is completed, so we thought of 
a new extension to allow the registrar to ask the registry that have this real 
time capabilities to analyse the pre-registration information and return a 
quality score to better inform the process.

draft-latour-pre-registration-00 - EPP Pre-Registration Verification 

Have a read,




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