I support publication of this document.

> On 3 Jun 2024, at 15:56, James Galvin <gal...@elistx.com> wrote:
> The document editors have indicated that the following document is ready for 
> submission to the IESG to be considered for publication as a Best Current 
> Practice:
> Best Practices for Deletion of Domain and Host Objects in the Extensible 
> Provisioning Protocol (EPP)
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-regext-epp-delete-bcp/03/__;!!PtGJab4!_HYJtMnaJVIqKxRXO6ZgLxJOFaTgMTAQqVSy1cSPZbLj2BZ9Zmj-8d4CQq_tKdZGlPE4fX2m9WK70whIKYrjxJ0$
>  [datatracker[.]ietf[.]org]
> Please indicate your support or no objection for the publication of this 
> document by replying to this message on list (a simple “+1” is sufficient).
> If any working group member has questions regarding the publication of this 
> document please respond on the list with your concerns by close of business 
> everywhere, Monday, 17 June 2024.
> If there are no objections the document will be submitted to the IESG.
> The Document Shepherd for this document is Andy Newton.
> Thanks,
> Antoin and Jim
> REGEXT WG Co-Chairs
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> regext mailing list -- regext@ietf.org
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Gavin Brown
Principal Engineer, Global Domains & Strategy
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


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