I hate factories; see: http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?joel.3.219431.12

OTOH, I can see the value of being able to switch the underlying impl based on config. So .. begrudging +1.

However, this does not change the need to fix up the current constructors correctly. So I suggest we do that immediately and then layer the factories on top as soon as Glen has it working.


Paul Fremantle wrote:

Could you commit a starting point for the factory. I think I'd find it easier to look at some code and play around.



Glen Daniels wrote:
Hi folks!

Sorry for the somewhat late response.

+1 to the APIs below, I totally agree that "falling back" to a different
implementation type is not really appropriate if you use a particular
constructor.  However...

I think that a factory approach is probably better long run, in order to
support scenarios where we use configuration, not coding, to change
which implementation you're using.  In particular, I'd like to be able
to swap JDBCRegistry or InMemoryRegistry for RemoteRegistry after a
system has been built and deployed. (use cases for this have been discussed previously)

One way to do this:

// Assume static (or thread-based) configuration
Registry registry = RegistryFactory.getRegistry(credentials);


// Specify configuration
RegistryFactory fac = new RegistryFactory(config);
Registry registry = fac.getRegistry(credentials);

By default, this can return an InMemoryRegistry, but via a system
property or a configuration parameter, it can be changed to some other
implementation.  The credentials argument can be null, or can be a
username/pw or something like a certificate or even a custom User
object.  The config argument would be a Map of properties.

Another way to do this would be with injection, but then we'd need to settle on a framework for that. I think a factory is simpler for now.



Paul Fremantle wrote:
Let's hear from Glen - he has a great sense of good APIs.


Chathura C. Ekanayake wrote:

I like it too. Then the constructors imply what is happening inside.
Shall I change the code according to this?


Paul Fremantle wrote:
I understand that we are using HSQLDB to provide the in-memory DB, its just a bit odd that the class is called JDBCRegistry.

From a beginners perspective, wouldn't it make more sense to have another class called InMemoryRegistry. Of course under the covers it can use the JDBCRegistry with HSQLDB?

I'm just trying to think of this from a beginning programmers perspective, and I'm not convinced everyone is going to automatically think of using a JDBCRegistry to do in-memory.

So my preference would be:

new InMemoryRegistry()
new JDBCRegistry(String datasourceName) - Use the given data source.
new JDBCRegistry(String driverClass, String URL, String userName, String password) - Use given connection URL to connect to the DB


Chathura C. Ekanayake wrote:

+1. So shall we remove "allowInMemoryDB" parameter from all constructors and only start the in-memory database if the default constructor is used.

Then the constructors would look like:

1) JDBCRegistry() - Use in-memory DB.

2) JDBCRegistry(String datasourceName) - Use the given data source.

3) JDBCRegistry(String driverClass, String URL, String userName, String password) - Use given connection URL to connect to the DB


Paul Fremantle wrote:
I'm bothered about the "fallback" to an inmemory database. I don't think that makes sense as something to do automatically.

Surely its better for a user to explicitly try to start the JDBCReg and if that fails catch the exception or null and then create an in-mem Reg?


Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
+1 for 3 alternative constructors. Since the registry is unusable until init'ed, IMO constructors make more sense.



Chathura C. Ekanayake wrote:

We want to allow users to configure registry database in different ways (e.g. using a data source, using a connection URL, specify whether to start in-memory database if other database is not available).

So we provide few methods in the JDBCRegistry to configure them. We only want the registry to initialize after those parameters are configured. And we don't know whether the user is specifying them or not at the construction time. Therefore, user has to call init() after configuring them.

Alternative would be to have 3 constructors.

1) JDBCRegistry() - Use default datasource name if available. If not available, use in-memory DB

2) JDBCRegistry(String datasourceName, boolean allowInMemoryDB) - Use given data source. If not available, use in-memory DB depending on the allowInMemoryDB parameter value

3) JDBCRegistry(String driverClass, String URL, String userName, String password, boolean allowInMemoryDB) - Use given connection URL to connect to the DB


Paul Fremantle wrote:

Chathura C. Ekanayake wrote:

JDBCRegistry registry = new JDBCRegistry();

Love it! That's what I was looking for.

Last question - why do we need init()?


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