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Call for Papers.

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Boston, MA, USA, April 05-09, 2017.

Session: Urban Theory and Life in the BRICS: Brazil, India, China and South Africa
Organizer: Joel  Outtes,
GEST- Group for the Study of Societies and Territories, 
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 
email j.outtes-wander...@oriel.oxon.org (please send messages only to this address)

Deadline for proposals: November 13, 2016..

I invite paper proposals for a session on BRICS to take place at the annual meeting of the AAG (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting) in Boston, MA, USA, April 05-09, 2017. Paper/s on South Africa are particularly wellcome.

Please only apply to be in the session (05 papers maximun per session, there can be a series of sessions) if you are sure you will make the conference. If you are interested in be part of the session/s please send me your abstract and then (if you prefer after I aprove it) register and later send me your pin number whenever / as soon as possible.

Thanks and all my best wishes,

Joel  Outtes, GEST- Group for the Study of Societies and Territories,
UFRGS- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,

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