I run kernel 2.4.5, SMP + reiserfs, and I was copying a file, when I crashed and
rebooted.  After reboot, I compared the file that was copying, and found that
they differed.  What should happen is that the two files should be equivalent
up until the position of the end of the file that it was copying to.

vomjom:/anime/Kimagure Orange Road/Movies# cmp Shin\ Kimagure\ Orange\ Road.asf 
/home/anime/Kimagure\ Orange\ Road/Movies/Shin\ Kimagure\ Orange\ Road.asf 
Shin Kimagure Orange Road.asf /home/anime/Kimagure Orange Road/Movies/Shin Kimagure 
Orange Road.asf differ: char 351150082, line 1791388

Shouldn't journal replays replay what is being written so that it is actually
the correct data instead of random incorrect data?

This has happened not just on this install, but on many other installs on SMP

Jonathan Hseu

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