Jens Benecke wrote:
> Hi,
> I just had a, er, 'lively' discussion with someone claiming ReiserFS is
> crap because it hogs even the fastest CPU too much, and it uses 4x as much
> processing power to do metadata operations, and in general is slower
> because of the journal. My benchmarks don't reflect this, especially on
> current hardware (ATA-66 and ATA-100 disks on VIA chipsets).
> While I agree that the journal does create an additional overhead, I'd like
> to know if the CPU overhead is really that much. I've seen your benchmarks
> on the web site but they don't say anything about CPU useage.
> --
> Jens Benecke
> - Die kostenlose Mitfahrzentrale für ganz Europa
>    Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

There is higher CPU overhead when using tails.  I don't know about what happens 
without tails, never
measured it.  If you use large directories, ext2 dies under CPU overload.


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