On Aug 31, 2001  15:43 +0200, Groo, El Errante wrote:
> Apologize me about my ignorance, but with this procedure can be any data
> lost?.. I don't have any other 260GB to make a backup. If this procedure is
> safe, I will do it immediatly and send you the reports.

What???!!! You have 260GB of data and you DON'T have a backup?

Having a small bitmap error is the least of your worries then.
Just because you have RAID5 does not mean your data is safe.  Often, on
systems that have very long uptimes, you can have multiple-disk failures
if you have a long shutdown period.  Also, RAID doesn't protect against
user/software error that deletes some/all of your data.

If you DO have a backup, then the worst that can happen (not saying it WILL
happen) is that your filesystem is totally lost, so you create a new one
and restore the data.  An outage of a couple of hours to do a full restore
is nothing compared to trying to get all of your data back if you have
some sort of problem.

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger  \ "If a man ate a pound of pasta and a pound of antipasto,
                 \  would they cancel out, leaving him still hungry?"
http://www-mddsp.enel.ucalgary.ca/People/adilger/               -- Dogbert

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