On Monday 01 October 2001 19:26, you wrote:
> Yes, please find realiable harddrive, backup broken fielsystem there via
> dd if=/dev/filesystem-with-problem of=/dev/reliable-device bs=4096
> conv=notrunc
> Then we will be able to recover your data. Please let us know when you have
> done with that data move.

I can't get a 80GB disk... I might be able to get a 75GB one, but it would 
cost me.
However I believe my hardware is reliable now that I've turned off DMA and 
sleep (From what I can see, the problem was caused by the combo of these 
options, as my syslog said "timeout waiting for DMA", and I know the problem 
happened while the disks were waking up). The disks had been running in my 
Windows machine for many months and in my Linux for about 1 month without 
optimisations and without problems.

/Jonas Jensen

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