
if you have a broken partition which cannot be recovered by fsck 
I would like to have a look at it.

extract metadata of your partition please with 
reiserfsprogs-3.x.0j/debugreiserfs -p .bitmap /dev/broken_device |
bzip2 -c > xxx.bz2
and send me xxx.bz2 file please.

Could you point to broken files (with 0 attribute, unrecovered links, etc).

Old logs would be not bad also.

> Am Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 10:26 schrieben Sie:
> > Dieter Nützel wrote:
> > >On Thursday, 13. December 2001 03:15 you wrote:
> > >>Hi all,
> > >>
> > >>       After I've run reiserfsck on my disk, I have a file with 0
> > >>permission:
> > >>
> > >># ls -l
> > >>0---------   1 root     root          238 Dec 11 22:52 lk
> > >>
> > >>This file is not readable.  Adding "rw" permission to it does not
> > >>make it readable again:
> > >>
> > >># chmod a+rw lk
> > >># ls -l
> > >>0rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root          238 Dec 11 22:52 lk
> > >># cat lk
> > >
> > ><#
> > >
> > >You are running ReiserFS on 2.4.16 + some ReiserFS patches including
> > >inode-attrs, right? More details, please.
> > >
> > >I had a lot of trouble with 2.4.17-pre4 and -pre7 + 2.4.16.pending K-P
> > > and expanding-truncate-4.diff.
> > >
> > >O-inode-attrs.patch was the culprit.
> > >Even the extended file attribute tools didn't helped/solved all of my
> > >problems.
> > >
> > >Have you tried
> > >chattr -R = /your-mount points to clear all permissions?
> > >
> > >I did but got some bad ones ever and ever again in
> > >/bin (vi) :-(
> > >/etc (termcap, localtime, init.d)
> > >/dev (mouse,  /dev/cciss/*)
> > >/lib (libpam.so was currupted) :-(
> > >/lib/modules/current-kernel :-(
> > >/usr/src/kernel after reboot.
> > >
> > >I have several reiserfsck-pre13 /dev/sd** logs, if anybody wants them?
> > >After reiserfsck several links were broken (pointing to nowhere).

The same files as with broken attributes?

> > >Only solution was to revert from O-inode-attrs.patch.
> > >Now I am happly running Linux
> > >2.4.17-pre8
> > >preempt-kernel-rml-2.4.17-pre8-1
> > >lock-break-rml-2.4.17-pre8-1
> > >bootmem-2.4.17-pre6
> > >00_nanosleep-5
> > >2.4.16.pending K-P except of O-inode-attrs.patch
> > >expanding-truncate-4.diff
> > >
> > >-Dieter
> >
> > we will pull O off of our website.  Thanks Dieter.
> Yes, Hans that would be better for now.
> But  I need badly advice.
> It seems that I chocked my / root partition (sda3) plus my root-backup
> (sdb8)!!! After that I've tried to build a second root-backup on sdb7 (with
> random parts taken from both others) which failed under 2.4.17-pre8-preempt
> (without O, see above). So I reverted to 2.4.17-pre4-preempt (all patches
> are the same, yes without O) created a new ReiserFS partition on sdb7 and
> had luck. --- Puhhhh :-)
> Now, I am running / root from /dev/sdb7 under 2.4.17-pre4-preempt and think
> about to create a new sda3 partition (mkreiserfs /dev/sda3) and rebuild it
> from sdb7. What do you think?
> I ran reiserfsck over and over again on sda3, sdb8 and sdb7 (the old one)
> with 2.4.17-pre4-preempt and -pre8-preempt without success.

Do you mean you run rebuild-tree and it does not fix bad ( 0 ) attributes?

> So I am not 100% sure if the O patch is the culprit. But it could be that
> the disk format was so much brocken after my O patch runs that the kernel
> version was not related.
> The only solution was a recreation of my corrupted partition. Luckily only
> on was broken and I have some spare disks around...;-)
> To Wilson: I think you should rebuild your system ;-(
> Anyone want some reiserfsck logs???
> -Dieter


Vitaly Fertman

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