On Wednesday, February 13, 2002 11:27:13 PM +0100 Dieter Nützel 

> Hello Chris,
> I'll do my best on AHA-2940UW and with IBM DDYS U160 10k rpm.
> But can you please send your patch next time _NOT_ included, but as 
> attachment (*.gz or *.bz2)?
> It is corrupted (wrapped lines)...
> ...and I am not subscribed and have to pull it from 
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=reiserfs.

Hmmm, you might want to try the download message raw feature on
marc.  I had line wrapping turned off on that message, and just
double checked that it didn't have wrapped lines.

Thanks for offering to give it a try, I'm sending you a gzip'd
version of the patch in case you can't pull it from marc.


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