Am Sam, 2003-06-14 um 21.39 schrieb Fred -- Speed Up --:
> This is not the filesystem's work, KDE for instance has a trashcan, and you
> can bind the rm command to a special mv one that moves files from the
> initial place to a backup folder, the files of which you can empty regulary
> with a cron script depending on the file's "age". It's simple to implement,
> and really not something Reiser4 should be capable of ... instead
> journalising works very well to protect data from being erased, that's the
> only purpose of a modern filesystem.

A filesystem undo is most needed on servers. There usually is no KDE.
However a trash can can be done with hard links and a cronjob. What I
would like to have is more - I think I was not clear enough about that.
I not only want to undo deletions. I would like to be able to undo all
file system operations. 

VMS has a versioning file system, which does about what I want. It feels
pretty good if you can undo "everything I did since 11:30".


"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden 
koennen."                            - Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei 

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