On 07/27/03 14:28, Hans Reiser wrote:
Nikita Danilov wrote:

Shawn writes:
> Looks like the 2.5.74 is the last one of any respectable size. I'm
> thinking someone forgot a diff switch (N?) over at namesys...
> > Hans? Time to long-distance spank someone?

Can you try following the instructions on the
http://www.namesys.com/code.html (requires bitkeeper)?


> > On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 23:56, Tupshin Harper wrote:
> > Shawn wrote:
> > > > >This is pretty f'ed, but it's on ftp://ftp.namesys.com/pub/tmp
> > >
> > Thanks, but I tried applying the
> > 2.6.0-test1-reiser4-2.6.0-test1.diff from that location with a lack of > > success.
> > > > It applied cleanly, but it doesn't add a fs/reiser4 directory and > > asociated contents. Is there an additional patch, or is this one broken?
> > > > -Tupshin
> >

Nikita, how about phrasing this as:

`Dear and esteemed potential Reiser4 user, I apologize that we put a tarball on our website and let it get so obsolete, thereby wasting your time. I am deleting it now, and will soon put a new one up. In the meantime, can you use bitkeeper if that is convenient for you? Here is the URL with the instructions for doing that.....'

It is the usual American business english used in such cases.;-)

No need to exaggerate... As I read these reiser4 related preliminary failure questions you can safely reuse

That page doesn't even need a correction therefore...




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