On Aug 05, 2003  19:51 +0400, Vitaly Fertman wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 August 2003 19:30, Thorsten Mauch wrote:
> > Now i finised with the version 2.6.11.
> > I find now files that have exectly the creation time of thoose files i
> > seek. And at least
> > in one case the size is aslo resonalble. But the content is not like
> > expectet.
> > Is there a way to controll how the files are rebuild ? or is there
> > something that i
> > could do better ?
> If dd without conv=noerror fails for you -- you have problems with 
> reading some blocks -- you should use dd_rescue instead as dd 
> forgets to create holes in the target image when cannot read some 
> block. This explains garbage in files in your case.

This same effect is available with normal dd via "conv=sync,noerror".

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger

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