Am Sa, 2003-08-23 um 01.47 schrieb David Nielsen:

> The entire thing then fails with these messages - no notable compile
> errors or warnings present. 
> fs/built-in.o(.text+0x9a8cd): In function `print_context':
> : undefined reference to `info_atom'
> fs/built-in.o(.text+0x9e392): In function `commit_current_atom':
> : undefined reference to `info_atom'
> fs/built-in.o(.text+0xa0577): In function `print_atom':
> : undefined reference to `info_atom'
> make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1

You need to set CONFIG_REISER4_DEBUG to yes. I didn't find the entry in
menuconfig, but you can to that in the .config file directly.

> Seems this patch might have benefited from a compile test at least? :)

It does, it's a bit tricky though. BTW: Which version of yacc is needed
exactly to create the parser? I tried applying the diff file to various
versions but none did match.

The fs doesn't seem to stand my stress test anyway. I copied my whole
filesystem to a newly created reiser4 volume, and tried to boot from
that. The first thing I noticed it that remount or sync when its mounted
read-only makes it go boom (never-ending emergency flushs). I tricked
the init script to leave it read-write and I got to my X login, could
log in, but then the system freezed hard. :(

My subjective feeling was that booting time was about the same as with
reiser3 even if the files weren't fragmented.

Christophe Saout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

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