Viktors Rotanovs writes:
 > Nikita Danilov wrote:
 > >new reiser4 snapshot (for 2.6.0) is available at the
 > >
 > >See READ.ME file there for more instructions.
 > >  
 > >
 > What areas are still not ready for production?
 > How risky it would be to put, say, 20000 e-mail users (cyrus imap and 
 > nothing else) on reiser4 partition?

I wouldn't recommend it, frankly. Reiser4 should first pass through more
extensive testing (first internally, and then in something like -mm, or
-wli) before it will be ready for "production".

 > Reiser4 works very very well on my desktop pc, so I'm eager to try it on 
 > something bigger.


 > Also, does lack of sendfile in the current snapshot mean that Apache 
 > will lose in performance when serving from Reiser4 partition?

Hmm, what Apache uses sendfile for?

 > Best Wishes,
 > Viktors


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