
> | You do need extra tools anyway, placing them in the kernel is cheating
> (and
> | absolutely pointless, IMHO).
> Repeat after me:  plugins in kernel does NOT equal tools in kernel.
> It's not hard to, for instance, imagine a generic plugin for archive
> manipulation which talks to a userspace daemon/library.  The kernel
> doesn't know anything other than (maybe) a list of extensions that are
> archives.  All else is handled in userspace -- the idea that "this is a
> zipfile" and "zipfiles can be extracted with the 'zip' command" are all
> in userspace.
> It's not about the kernel, it's about the interface.  And see my other mail:
>       cat foo.zip/README
>       less foo.zip/contents/bar.c
> is a lot easier than
>       lynx http://google.com/search?q=zip
>       emerge zip
>       man zip
>       unzip foo.zip
>       cat bar.c
> which already assumes quite a lot of expertise.

If you only want nice user interface, you can have that today. Its
done using coda, and hosted at uservfs.sf.net.
When do you have heart between your knees?

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