
Does reiser4 support something like recursive last-modified-timestamps? What I 
mean is an attribute which contains the latest modification date of all 
subdirectories and files below a given directory.

Actually I am also curios if there are any other linux file system which 
support that. The reason I'm asking on the reiserfs mailinglist is that 
reiser4 seems to be the filesystem which is most open for new features.
Could this be implemented as some sort of plugin for reiser4? Or does/will 
reiser4 support any other concepts which can be used for that purpose?

The purpose btw. is to find all modified files in a tree as fast as possible. 
There are quite a lot of application which would benefit from it: desktop 
search engines, locate, build systems, tools which visualize contents of a 
file system (like fsview in KDE), backup tools etc.

I know that modifying an attibute recursively on every update of the stat data 
would have a huge perfomance impact, but there are many things that could be 
done to keep the extra load low for most of the time.
It seem very likely that this is an idea which was discussed over and over 
again already, but I really didn't find much about it. As a KDE developer, 
I'm not much involved in filesystems, so maybe I'm just looking for the wrong 


Fred Schaettgen

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