On Sun, 29 May 2005 21:25:54 +0200, Matthias Barremaecker said:

> but that sais it is a fysical drive error

Physical drive errors.  Your hardware is broken.  Isn't much that Reiserfs
can do about it.

> What can I do.

1) Call whoever you get hardware support from.

2) Be ready to restore from backups.

3) If you didn't have RAID-5 (or similar) set up, or a good backup, consider
it a learning experience.

If your data is important enough that you'll care if you lose it, you should 
steps to make sure you won't lose it... It's that simple.

(Just for the record, if we have important info, it gets at least RAID5, a
backup to tape or other device, *and* a *second* backup off-site.  And my shop
is far from the most paranoid about such things.)

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