Hans Reiser writes:
 > Nikita Danilov wrote:
 > >
 > >But cycles are "solvable" in current file systems too: they simply do
 > >not exist there.
 > >  
 > >
 > Yes, but Nikita, cycles represent semantic functionality that has value
 > because being able to embody more expressions means more power of

If you mean that multiple parents have some value, I agree. Problem is
that solutions proposed so far have severe limitation:

 - they add support for cycle detection that is necessary to support
 multiple parents, but that support is only efficient for "small"
 datasets: when total number of objects is not very big, and "average"
 object has only one parent.

 - even when there are no multiple parents, system is not efficient for
 large number of files.

 > expression.  If some way can be found to allow them, then functionality
 > is increased. Separating links that increase reference count from links
 > that merely point (ala hard vs. sym links) is one approach.  If there
 > was effective enough for real world use cycle detection, that would be
 > better.

It seems to me that in the domains where proposed designs are
applicable, symlinks already provide viable solution.


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