On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 11:49:51PM -0700, Hans Reiser wrote:
> Regarding trust, Christophe comes out the gate using the words "useless
> abstraction layer" that happens to be a core feature of our design,
> demanding we cut it out, and not really understanding it or recognizing
> any functionality it provides, and you can't really expect me to respect
> this, can you?
> Now, if his target is reduced to whether we can eliminate a function
> indirection, and whether we can review the code together and see if it
> is easy to extend plugins and pluginids to other filesystems by finding
> places to make it more generic and accepting of per filesystem plugins,
> especially if it is not tied to going into 2.6.13, well, that is the
> conversation I would have liked to have had.

Have I missed the posting with analysis of changes in locking scheme
and update of proof of correctness?  If so, please give the message ID.

_That_ had been the major showstopper for any merges, IIRC.

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