David Weinehall wrote:
On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 03:08:58AM -0500, David Masover wrote:

David Weinehall wrote:

GNOME and KDE run on operating systems that run other kernels than
Linux, hence they have to implement their own userland VFS anyway.
Adding this to the Linux kernel won't help them one bit, unless
we can magically convince Sun to add it to Solaris, all different
BSD:s to add it to their kernels, etc.  Not going to happen.
An effort to get GNOME and KDE to unify their VFS:s would be
far more benificial,

Than what? Creating a unified VFS which I can access from Bash, and which obsoletes both GNOME and KDE's VFSes except in their presentation?

On one of the platforms that they support, yes.  But only for kernels
newer than 2.6.yy...  So they'd still have to have their own VFS for
2.4.xx, 2.6.xx (xx < yy), FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, etc...

Right.  But, /proc started somewhere, didn't it?

I have the feeling that other systems will duplicate it if it's good.

Even if they don't, it would be more beneficial to me and probably most Linux users to have metafs supported in both GNOME and KDE, even if they still need an emulation layer to support other systems.

I agree that the emulation layer should be common.

FreeDesktop is doing a lot of work to make GNOME, KDE, and other
DE:s interoperate as much as possible.  Support their initiative
instead of trying to get a monstrosity (albeit a very cool one,
conceptually) into the kernel.  Sure, it could be made to work,
but not without dropping our Unixness.

(I'm talking about the metafs (/meta) idea, which isn't nearly as much a monstrocity, and doesn't kill our unixness, it enhances it.)

Which would neither need VFS changes nor be dependent on Reiser4 in
any way, so I don't see why this thread lives on.  Just get down to
business and implement this metafs =)

I am trying, at least getting the conceptual glitches ironed out.

But, it does need GNOME/KDE VFS changes in order to be sane -- otherwise, GNOME/KDE will duplicate it, creating even more of a mess than we already have.

I'm not sure why the thread still lives, but now that I've typed this, I may as well send it...

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