studdugie wrote:
Hello. I'm looking to replace a couple Berkeley DB data stores w/
regular file system directories backed by reiserfs (3.6). The reason
is Berkeley DB is slow especially for data w/ little or no locality of
reference. I'm posting to this list because I would like to get some
opinions on if reiserfs is suitable for the job. Currently there are
15,079,597 records in 1 of the database. If I moved to a directory
based db it would result in 15,079,597 discreet files ranging in sizes
from 1 byte to 1kb. I was reading the FAQ on the namesys site and it
mentioned that the r5 hash supports 1,200,000 files w/o collision.
Since 15M is 12.5x greater I'm expecting massive amounts of
collisions. So the question becomes how bad should I expect it to be?
Should I assume the file system can handle it or slow to a crawl?  I
would really appreciate some feedback from the experts before I go
ripping out the Berkeley DB code.


Use the SkipDB library - I have a similar code in one of my programs, and SkipDB is almost 3x the speed of BDB (plus you don't lose control of transaction safety).


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