I have this kernel :


I chose this because it has reiser4 included, and software suspend 2... turns out software suspend does not work on this laptop, so I don't use it...

How can I get the filesystem version ? I grepped the reiser4 kernel sources for "version" but nothiing relevant came out.

Thanks for your help.

On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 20:09:19 +0200, Alexander Zarochentsev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On Monday 17 October 2005 22:56, PFC wrote:
I've been using Reiser4 on my laptop for a while and all I can say is,
well, that's the only filesystem that makes a crap 5200rpm drive
responsive and usable. That's really great !

However, there are a few problems...

Sometimes, when I power down the laptop, the usual power down sequence :
- Unmounting Filesystems
- Remounting FS read-only
- Power Down

Stops at "Unmounting Filesystems" and stays there forever ; and I have to shutdown the thing manually, pressing for 10 seconds on the power button.

which reiser4 version are you using ?


Also, a few days ago, my laptop battery died and the thing had a hard
shutdown. The harddisk had spinned down a moment ago (I remember hearing
it doing its clunk-bzzzzz....). Before you mention, no, I don't use the
thingie to automatically shutdown the laptop just before the battery dies,
because ACPI sucks on mine, and 50% of the time it says 0% charge left
when, in reality, it's at 99%, and the damn thing would shut itself down
every 5 minutes.

So, after that, my Reiser4 FS died and I had to run a fsck with
rebuild-tree from a kanotix boot cdrom.

What happened ?

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