Chester R. Hosey wrote:
Peter van Hardenberg wrote:

Although I freely acknowledge my inexperience, I believe the real problems are related to graph traversal algorithms. Linus has commented on the obvious hardlink issues. I imagine there are more gremlins lurking in the shadows on this one. Garbage collectors have largely given up on reference counting, a luxury afforded by blazingly fast access to small amounts of storage. I am not particularly up on the research though.

Just a suggestion from the uninformed peanut gallery...

Hans already plans on having a repacker, which will run incrementally in
the background. Might it make sense to do incremental GC, possibly even
in combination with the repacker's traversal of the disk?

You're not the first person to suggest GC instead of refcounting. I still say, if at all possible, let's not let it come to that.

Try this: I have a box which I call "the server" because it's headless and it does things like my one-man email operation. It has a TV tuner card on it, and it has an 80 gig hard drive.

It wouldn't take a lot of TV to fill up 80 gigs. My desktop has a 500 gig RAID, which I use for games, my Windows install, and so on.

So, I can pull the TV from my server onto my desktop relatively easily -- there's a gigabit crossover between them, and NFS is fast enough. That way, I keep the server disk usage below 50%, even though I don't leave the desktop on all the time, and even though it can take awhile before I watch the shows I'm recording. Even if I just choose to record from a particular channel for a full day, then skim through the recording to see if there's anything interesting.

With grabage collection, the idea is that maybe once a week, the repacker runs, and frees space at the same time. In other words, if I delete something, I may not get the space back for most of a week. With the current reference counting scheme, I get the space back immediately.

In virtual machines and such, garbage collection is fast, so it can be run much more frequently, even on demand -- need more RAM? Run the garbage collector, flush the buffers, and you have RAM.

You can't do that with an FS, because the garbage collection would take insanely long, and you'd never know when it'd hit. Kind of like lazy allocation, only worse. Lazy allocation means that after awhile, my RAM fills up and Reiser4 decides to flush to disk, making my FS access unresponsive for a few seconds, sometimes 10 or 20. It's better now, not sure if that's because I've got 2 gigs of RAM on my desktop instead of half a gig or because the new version of Reiser4 is smarter about it.

But, imagine that annoying random insane disk activity, effectively a few seconds of a frozen system, only you very likely have to lock the entire FS, and it takes several minutes or hours instead of a few seconds. That's why you can't do on-disk garbage collection on demand.

Also, if you keep disk usage low, it's easier to keep things defragmented. In RAM, no one cares -- use all the RAM, if it gets out of order, so what? It's called "Random Access Memory" for a reason. And don't tell me you repack every time you collect garbage, because it already takes too long, and repacking would make it take longer. And if you tried to do it in the same pass, you'd end up with a perfectly defragmented FS, except for the hundreds of tiny, randomly distributed holes where the recently collected garbage was.

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