On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 11:13 -0800, Hans Reiser wrote:
> Toomas Laasik wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I was wondering if reiserfs has some sort of history plugin. I want a
> >filesystem that manages files similar to CVS or SVN so that I can say for
> >example that "I want asdasd.txt file exactly as it was on 15.10.2005
> >14:20:05" and I can get it. Of cource keeping that kind of "changelog"
> >takes much room on disk, but I assume one could set a percentage of disk
> >space for history and/or max days to keep history from.
> >  
> >
> Nothing yet exists, it should be done, and I encourage the doing of it.
it is not implemented directly in the kernel yet, afaik, but fuse
filesystems do exists which does this, i know of two, which can
accomplish it.
cvsfs - it mounts cvs, thus having version control, but requires cvs

then there is wayback, which is kinda a bridge between any filesystem,
and the version controlled, so lets say you have /mnt/bigstorage, with a
mofo raid mounted, then you do this:
mkdir /mnt/cvsfs
fusemount wayback_thing /mnt/bigstorage /mnt/cvsfs..
^^ not how you do, but you get the idea.

> >It is one of my university projects to make this kind of filesystem or
> >modify some existing filesystem eg ReiserFS.
> >  
> >
> Please send a design document.
> >Any sugestions how to implement or where to start? Is something like that
> >made already? Do you think that extending ReiserFS would be a good option?
> >  
> >
> Yes.
> >I searched Google trying to find some material about writing ReiserFS
> >plugins, but found very little useful. 
> >
> The assumption made is that people who write plugins read the source
> code.;-)   We get complaints from people about  our comments being too
> long (oy veh), so.....
> The other thing to do is to join our developers list, and ask lots of
> questions.
> >Maybe it's easier to start from
> >scratch? The goal is not to make production safe filesystem, but just
> >accomplish my task.
> >
> Why bother to write code if a few million aren't going to use it?  It is
> always better to write less code and get it stable so it is widely
> used......
> > Of cource if it is possible I would like that what I
> >do is useful not only to me but for others who might want something
> >similar too.
> >
> >Thanks in advance,
> >
> >Toomas
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> welcome to our community.
> Hans

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