Hi all,

>>>I've prepared a modified installer disk for Slackware Linux 10.2 which
>>>allows to install this distro on Reiser4 partitions almost the same
>>>way you do with other FSes (ext2/3, reiserfs etc), i.e. with no kernel
>>>recompilation by yourself etc. It is now under internal testing (i.e.
>>>installed on my friends computers) but I think it will be completely
>>>ready to the next week. I saw this thread in mailing list:

HR>> Sure, sounds good.  We can link to you.
VS> Okay, thanks a lot. I'll give a link here just after ISO will be ready
VS> for distribution.
You can link to http://ftp.linuxcenter.ru/projects/slackware-reiser4/
An introduction to this project can be found in README.TXT in the same
directory. Thank you again.

Best regards,
Valentine Sinitsyn

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