On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 09:30:57PM +0400, Vladimir V. Saveliev wrote:
> Hello
> ftp://ftp.namesys.com/pub/reiser4-for-2.6/2.6.16/reiser4-for-2.6.16-3.patch.gz
>  contains the most recent reiser4 code which is considered stable inside 
> Namesys.
> This code is supposed to be in mm kernel next to 2.6.17-rc4-mm3.
> Please try it. Any feedback is welcome.

Finally, the "fsync/mmap >1minute writing to disk while halting all IO"
I reported a few weeks ago seems to be gone. Are you aware of that? what
caused it on the first place?

01:53:17 up 1 day, 23:59, 11 users,  load average: 0.37, 0.14, 0.21

This allows me to use a kernel newer than for the first time.
Now, let's hope it stays ok and the bug doesn't show itself in just a
few hours.

Thank you all for your good work.
- Do you study theories? - Oh yes! Theories are fun. - How do you use them? - 
When I must act, theories are too slow. To act, I must know.

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